head advt

Hazar Churashir Ma, Mahasweta Devi passes away

Frail figure of incredible strength

— Namita Gokhle

The loss that literature faces with the loss of its crusader is immeasurable. Eminent litterateur and social activist Mahasweta Devi’s nirvana is one big loss.

Speaking to Shabdankan, director, Jaipur Literature Festivals, Namita Gokhle said, “As a woman, and as a writer, I cannot imagine a more inspiring iconic than Mahasweta Devi. Naveen Kishore had persuaded her to attend the Jaipur festival 2013, where she delivered the keynote address. This frail figure of incredible strength delivered a moving address, and made an indelible impact on me, as she did on all who read her or had the privilege of meeting her.”


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