समन्वय 2016 दूसरे दिन के कार्यक्रम इण्डिया हैबिटैट सेण्टर के भाषाओँ को समर्पित उत्सव ' समन्वय भाषा महोत्सव…
समन्वय 2016 पहले दिन के कार्यक्रम इण्डिया हैबिटैट सेण्टर के भाषाओँ को समर्पित उत्सव ' समन्वय भाषा महोत्सव'…
Indian Languages Festival ‘Samanvay’ 2016 As Kabir said, “ Wherever you are is the entry point. ” So i…
Once our jury chooses the poems, the sender will be invited to recite the poem and its translation during the ILF Samanvay festival in Novemb…
Shabdankan: official Partner of ILF Samanvay 2016 Apophenic Talks - Enacted Conversations #NTB conversation, the curtain raiser eve…
Shabdankan: official Partner of ILF Samanvay 2016 Photo: Monica Dawar Where are our counter celebrities? — Ashlin Mathew How do you …
Does art create a people? Social Engagement as Art Practice The first conversation of Art Articulations, the visual arts presentation of…
sh raza paintings sh raza famous paintings sh raza bindu sh raza paintings for sale sh raza saurashtra sh raza clocher du village syed h…